
Library Interior

Library policies are reviewed annually and approved by the Library Board.

Bookmobile Policy


The mission of the Crockett Public Library Bookmobile is to provide information services, reading materials and resources to children and adults who are unable to use other libraries due to geographic, transportation, economic or other barriers.  The primary function of the bookmobile is to:

  • Promote literacy and a lifelong desire to read
  • Introduce readers to library services
  • Offer popular or school-relevant materials for patrons to check out and use
  • Generate a positive image of the library by being visible to the entire community

Bookmobile Services Policy:

The Bookmobile provides primary services to senior centers, nursing homes, and housing communities. Scheduling of routine stops is determined on a monthly basis. Routes and stops may be re-scheduled or adjusted at any time based on usage data. Other guidelines for service include:

  • Service locations are provided on a first-come, first-served basis
  • Specific needs of the location serviced, e. g. handicapped, geographic location
  • Limit of 5 patrons is permitted on the Bookmobile at one time
  • Stops may be canceled in the event of mechanical failure or maintenance issues arising
  • Stops will not be made in cases of inclement weather or offered on holidays observed by

    the Crockett Public Library
  • Bookmobile patrons are subject to the same rules and policies that govern the Crockett Public Library registration and circulation procedures. Bookmobile services may be requested by contacting the Crockett Public Library, at the

    Bookmobile, or via jscott [at] crockettlibrary.com (email). Library staff will contact applicants to review bookmobile services, policies, and procedures.

Guidelines for bookmobile stops:

Applications for new Bookmobile stops will be considered according to the following criteria:

  • The proposed stop must be located within Houston County
  • Restroom facilities must be accessible to Bookmobile staff
  • Ample parking space for the Bookmobile
  • The stop must reflect the mission of the Crockett Public Library Bookmobile services
  • Any individual with a personal card may check out materials from the Bookmobile
  • Ability to provide a safe, adequately managed working environment to prevent possibility

    of harm or damage to Bookmobile staff or resources

Fee Schedule

Crockett Public Library is a fine-free library.  However, patrons with lost, damaged, or destroyed items are asked for a replacement fee or an item replacement of equal value. 

Books, Audio books, CD’s and DVDs are limited to 3 Weeks with one renewal.

Replacement Fee: retail cost of missing or damaged item.

Printing from public access computers .25 cents per page $1.00 for color per page.

Staff assisted:

Copy/print by staff .25 cents per sheet.

Replacement of library cards: free

What Can I Check Out?

Adult Card Limit 20 Items

(No Exceptions)

8 hardbacks, 10 paperbacks, & 6 audio books may be checked out on an adult library card for a period of three weeks with 1 renewal.

4 DVD Videos  on an  adult card 3 week limit. With no renewal.

Child Card Limit 10 Items

(No Exceptions)

4 hardbacks,  5 paperbacks, 1 audio book.

may be checked out on one child library card

for a period of three weeks. One renewal.

No DVD checkout on Child Card.

Computer use and internet access requires Parental Consent for children under the age of 18.

Item Limits:



Checkout Time Limits
Hardbacks 8 4 3 weeks, 1 renewal
Paperbacks 10 5 3 weeks, 1 renewal
Audiobooks 6 1 3 weeks, 1 renewal
GED / Test Prep 2 2 3 weeks, no renewal
DVD Movies 4 0

3 weeks, no renewal

Meeting Room Policy

The primary purpose of the meeting rooms of the Crockett Public Library is to provide space for library related activities. The needs of the Library will take precedence. The Library reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any meeting.

When not required for library related programs, other groups may use the Meeting Rooms subject to the following regulations:

1. Availability & Use:

Meeting rooms are available during regular library business hours, subject to the stipulations below, to educational, recreational, cultural, civic, social, religious, professional, or other nonprofit organizations, or to persons volunteering as tutors for the benefit of the people of the system’s service area.

The meeting rooms are not available to non-library groups or individuals for the promotion or sales of services or products, active fundraising, political endeavors, or for conducting classes for profit.

Businesses may use the meeting rooms for interviewing or training purposes only. No use of a meeting room shall be permitted or allowed to continue, that disturbs the library’s primary functions and operations.

No admission or attendance charge or required donation may be assessed by any non-library group using a meeting room. Groups using the meeting room shall vacate the room at the time stated on their “Meeting Room Application and Agreement.” Rooms may be available before or after hours by special permission of the director or designee.

2. Scheduling Room Use:

The director or designee must approve all reservations. We reserve the right to refuse any application. A representative of the group should complete and sign a “Meeting Room Application and Agreement” prior to the meeting date.

A group that does not vacate by the time stated on the “agreement” may incur a fee of $10 per hour, or any part of an hour, unless they make arrangements for the extra time before their meeting started.

A group using a meeting room more than once for the same purpose need only complete the “agreement” annually; a copy of the completed “agreement” will be kept on file at the Library.

3. Food/Beverages:

Refreshments may be served in the meeting rooms, but are restricted to the Meeting Room and are not permitted in other parts of the library except during library sponsored events.

Alcoholic beverages are prohibited. The Library does not provide food or beverage services.

The group serving refreshments is responsible for providing all serving utensils.

4.Room Setup:

Groups are responsible for setting up the meeting room to suit their needs including arranging the chairs, tables, and other equipment. They are responsible for returning the room to its original state following the conclusion of their meeting.

It is highly recommended that users provide their own audio visual equipment when possible.

Room must be returned to the original condition.

Trash removed.

Patrons are responsible for any damages.

Library Computer Usage Policy

Internet resources available in the J.H. Wootters Crockett Public Library are provided by the City Of Crockett through a Cable connection to patrons wishing to access the Internet.

Patrons are limited to one hour per patron per day on the computer.

If you are in the middle of a project, you may request extra time at the front desk.

It the countdown timer goes under 3 minutes we cannot add time to the session.

Parents or guardians must give written permission for children under 18 to access the Internet.

Because filtering software may not be 100% effective, parents are expected to exercise control over their children’s internet access.

The Internet is a forum for many people and cultures. Not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete or current information. Patrons are asked to please try to be vigilant and to avoid sites that may make them uncomfortable. There is no control over the subject matter on the Internet. The Library cannot have complete knowledge of what is on the Internet. Internet users should be advised that security is technologically difficult to achieve electronic transactions and files can become public.

As with other Library resources, providing access to electronic information does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by the Library. It is, therefore, left to each user to choose what is individually appropriate and for parents or legal guardians to assume responsibility for their children’s use of the Internet.

Internet Access Rules

1. Patrons are granted internet use on an honor scale.

2. The time limit on a computer is one hour per patron per day. Additional time may be granted by library staff unless other patrons require use.

3. The user may not use their own software programs or download programs from the internet on the library’s computers. This will help prevent computer viruses that are common on public computers. The user may not store files on the library computers hard drive. If you wish to transfer files over the internet ask library staff for assistance. We do not allow large files to be transferred for is slows down the internet speed for everyone. If you upload or download without staff approval, your computer time will be terminated.

4. Library staff will be monitoring use of internet workstations to ensure compliance with this policy. Staff may ask users to remove themselves from the Library if they observe any behavior that they judge to be in conflict with this policy. Misuse or abuse of Library computers or internet access will result in suspension of Internet access and Library privileges.

5. The use of messenger service or chat rooms is not allowed.

6. No more than two people are allowed at the same PC at the same time.

7. The user may send or receive web-based e-mail (electronic mail) hot mail – yahoo — etc.

8. The Library is not responsible for the accuracy of the information found on the Internet.

9. The library is not responsible for the security of the exchange of information or transactions performed on the Internet.

10. Use of Internet PCs is to be primarily research; limited game playing is allowed when the PC is not needed for research.

11. Copyright law prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials, except as permitted by the principles of fair use. Any responsibility for consequences arising from copyright infringement or any other illegal use lies with the user. The J.H. Wootters Crockett Public Library assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from the use of its Internet connection.

12. Printing from the library’s computers is .25 cents a page. Color Printing is $1.00 per page.Please ask library staff for assistance if you are unsure how to print only the pages you need.

13. Use of the Internet PCs for illegal or inappropriate purposes is strictly prohibited. Library staff may monitor your internet activity.

14. To maintain service for all we do not allow large files (over 10 meg)to be uploaded or downloaded –

We will revoke your computer time if you violate this rule.

Failure to abide by the above guidelines will result in immediate termination of use.

Failure to abide by the library’s guidelines will result in loss of ALL library privileges.

HOT SPOT USAGE at J.H. Wootters Crockett Public Library.

The Library’s wireless Hotspot is not secure, and the Library cannot guarantee the safety of your traffic across its wireless network. The Library assumes no responsibility for the configurations, security, or data files on your laptop resulting from connection to the Library’s wireless network. Information sent to or from your laptop can be captured by anyone else with a wireless device and appropriate software.

Transmitting any personal information such as passwords, credit card, or Social Security numbers while using any wireless “hotspot”, including the Library’s, is not recommended.

Anti-virus, privacy, and security protection is the responsibility of the patron.

The Library assumes no responsibility for damage, theft, or loss of any kind to a user’s equipment, software, data files or other personal property brought into or used at the Library.

The Library is not able to provide technical assistance to you, and there is no guarantee that you will be able to make a wireless connection. If you need assistance, contact the manufacturer of your laptop or software. The Library is not responsible for any changes you make to your computer settings.

The Library cannot guarantee that the Wi-Fi service will be available at any specific time or that the connection will have any specific quality or speed.

The connection shall not be used for illegal purposes, nor shall it be used in such a way as to violate library policies. To maintain service for all we do not allow large files (over 10 meg) to be uploaded or downloaded.

We will turn off the wireless access point if you violate this rule.

Hotspots do not produce viruses. They come from the Internet, often as attachments to email. It is strongly recommended that all users have virus protection and personal firewall installed on their laptops.

Selection Of Materials

Selection and purchase of library materials rests with the library director who may delegate some responsibilities to other staff members. The recreational, educational, and informational needs of the community will be considered in selecting materials.

The Crockett Public Library does not attempt to acquire textbooks that support local curriculum or home-schooling curriculum but they may acquire textbooks for general use by the public. Multiple copies of popular books (e.g., bestsellers, resume guides, drivers ed.) may be purchased to meet demand.

The library will attempt to have information available in a variety of formats, (book, non-book, pamphlet, magazines, etc.) when available and practical. Generally, only one copy of materials in other formats (audio books, videos) will be purchased unless long-term high demand is anticipated.

Video and audio recordings will be selected for potential long-term use to meet general interests.

Materials that no longer meet the needs of the community and no longer support the library’s collection will be withdrawn and disposed of in accordance with the library’s “Deselecting of Materials” policy.

Objections to items in the collection can be addressed ONLY by patrons or residents of Houston County by completing a “Statement of Concern” form available at the front desk.  Objections must be made in writing and will be reviewed by the library director.

Deselecting Of Materials

Decisions will be based on accepted professional practice, such as those described in The CREW Method published by the Texas State Library in 1995.

When necessary, local specialists will be consulted to determine the continued relevance and reliability of materials.

Items withdrawn from the collection will be disposed of in accordance with local law which permits discarding into the trash, recycling of paper or sale by the library.

Items may not be given directly to individuals or groups unless they are a non-profit organization such as S.H.A.R.E. or the Women’s Shelter.

Discarded magazines and newspapers may be given to schools or recycled at the discretion of the library director.


Library records include patron registration data, circulation records, overdue and reserve records, participation in library sponsored programs, record of library visits, and/or any data that contain information that links a specific patron to specific materials or services used. Each patron has individual control over his or her borrower’s card and presentation of the card permits access to information about the borrower’s current circulation record. Except during the actual period of transaction (circulation, maintenance of record on unpaid fines, reservation of materials), the library will not maintain a record of transactions. When no longer needed for library administration purposes, records will be expunged.

In compliance with the September 1, 1993, Texas Open Records Act which protects the confidentiality of the records of any library or library system which is supported in whole or in part by public funds, that identify or serve to identify a person who requested, obtained, or used a library material or service, no information will be released to any person, agency, or organization, except in response to a valid court order or subpoena, properly presented to the library director.

Nothing in this policy shall prevent authorized library personnel from using library records in the administration of their regular duties.

Library Behavior

The Crockett Public Library welcomes and encourages the use of its libraries.

Our resources are available for professional growth, school assignments, individual development, and personal interests.

All library users are asked to assist the staff in maintaining a safe environment conducive to study,

reading, and the gathering of information by observing the following:

  • Children under seven years old must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Noisy, rowdy, boisterous, and disruptive behavior, including running, fighting and roughhousing, is unacceptable. Individuals or groups may be required to leave.
  • Shirts and shoes are required.
  • Food, beverages, and smoking in the library are prohibited.
  • Interfering with another person’s use of the library or with staff’s performance of their duties is unacceptable.
  • Tables and chairs may not be rearranged. Unoccupied seats are available to any library patron. Chairs are to be occupied by only one person. Sitting on tables or placing of feet on tables is prohibited.
  • Playing of audio equipment so that it can be heard by others is prohibited.
  • Animals assisting library users with disabilities are permitted in the library. Other animals may not be brought inside.
  • Misuse of library rest rooms is prohibited (e.g. using rest rooms as a laundry or bathing facility).
  • Destruction or defacement of library materials or property, or any other potentially criminal behavior, will be immediately referred to the police.
  • You are advised not to leave handbags, wallets, backpacks, etc. unattended.
  • Personal property will not be permitted in the library when, by reason of quantity, or design and use, it interferes with staff’s performance of duties or use of the library by others.

Library staff have the authority to enforce these policies. Failure to follow these rules can result in expulsion from the library.

If anyone refuses to leave the library after being requested to do so by staff, staff may contact the Crockett Police and/or parents.
