Digital Resources

Digital Resources
Digital Resource trio
Our Catalog

Use our online catalog to search our collection of books and DVD’s. You can also check status and reserve copies for pickup.

Overdrive and books

OverDrive is the leading digital reading platform for libraries and schools worldwide. They are dedicated to creating “a world enlightened by reading” by delivering the industry’s largest catalog of ebooks, audiobooks and other digital media to a growing network of 65,000 libraries and schools in 84 countries.

TexShare logo

To use the TexShare Databases, you will need to contact the library to obtain a password.

Salem Press logos

With Salem Press, you can read, print, E-mail, and search articles. You can also create a folder to save articles, citations, and searches for later use.

You can access the database with your library card number.

Digital Resources Logos

Explore our digital resources with the links below: